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Round Pegs começa sua jornada com o LatAm Edge Awards 2017 #RoundPegs #PedroDonati #LatamEdgeAward2017 #Innovation #inovaçao #garages #garagens...

Vencedor do Latam Edge Awards de 2016 é finalista do concurso mundial do Citibank
O concurso “Tech for Integrity Challenge” organizado pelo Citibank, irá premiar empresas mais inovadoras e de vanguarda e uma das...

We are getting ready for the next step of the LatAm Edge Award 2017!
Last year a Chilean company in the Fintech area was the winner of the first edition of the LatAm Edge Award. This year we will open up to...

Registrations from all of Latin America
Last year we've had registrations from 101 companies from 8 latin-american countries. Even some candidates from the USA tried to...

Expanding businesses in London has its tricks
There's no doubt that London is one of the capitals of the world. Its diversity and its well structured ecosystems for innovation make...
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