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London tech week


During the Award ceremony, we will expose the technologies from Latin America as well as the UK.

If you are interested to showcase your innovations please apply to the expo by sending an email to and get the opportunity to have meetings with the UK business sector that you are interested in.


£ 1,500/ booth and business meetings

Last year LTW had proven its success by promoting and organizing the event online and the positive experience showed that it will be worth having it online and offline if the pandemic allows us to do so. 


We are now organizing the Latin American Pavillion inside the LTW with plenty of offers and possibilities to the companies that want to explore and present their products to a global market.


You can get more information by sending an email to  or calling us via WhatsApp - +5511 981496504 or +44 7584194925. 


Latin American Pavillion 

from 20th-24th September 2021


Booth,meetings with investors and prospects.


£3000/ basic booth

Proudly organized by

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